Analytical Chemistry (CHEM 241)

Text: Quantitative Chemical Analysis (10ᵗʰ edition), by Daniel C. Harris, W. H. Freeman and company 2016.

Description: An introduction to analytical chemistry with an emphasis on analysis of solutions. Lecture material includes data and sample handling, principles of titrimetry and electrochemical methods, as well as an introduction to chromatography. Laboratory experiments illustrate lecture material

Proposed Lecture:
(Note: topics covered may be modified as necessary)

Chapter 4: Statistics
Chapter 5: Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods
Chapter 6: Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 7: Let the Titrations Begin
Chapter 14: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
Chapter 15: Electrodes and Potentiometry
Chapter 16: Redox Titration
Chapter 23: Introduction to Analytical Separation
Chapter 24: Gas Chromatography
Chapter 25: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography