Instrumental Analysis (CHEM 341)

Text: Principles of Instrumental Analysis (7ᵗʰ Edition), by Douglas A. Skoog,‎ F. James Holler,‎ Stanley R. Crouch, Brooks Cole; 2017.

Description: An introduction to instrumental analysis with the emphasis on spectroscopic methods, and separation techniques. Lecture material includes molecular and atomic spectroscopy, spectroscopic instrumentation, as well as an introduction to separation techniques using chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Laboratory experiments illustrate lecture material.

Proposed Lecture:
(Note: topics covered may be modified as necessary)

  Molecular spectroscopy (UV-Vis, FL, FTIR), Spectrophotometers
  Atomic Spectroscopy
  Mass Spectrometry
  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  Gass Chromatography
  High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Capillary Electrophoresis